How I Asked My Bridesmaids

Surprise!! Mylie is going to be one of my bridesmaids! .... totally kidding. But kinda wish she could be one. I mean, how adorable would she look in a bridesmaids dress!? The answer is super flippin' cute. Hahaha nope, she will not be a bridesmaid but she did make a great helper for putting these gifts together! 

One of the best parts of wedding planning is getting to ask your closest friends to stand by your side on your wedding day! I could not be more blessed to have such an amazing group of ladies to support me on the most important and exciting day of my life thus far.

Since my bridesmaids are spread across 5 different states, I decided to fill a cute box that I bought at Hobby Lobby for each of them with a few fun things! I wanted to get something special for all of them but also something that they would be able to wear all the time. I decided to gift my bridesmaids initial necklaces from PS46, and am sooo happy I went with those necklaces! Each and every one of my bridesmaids absolutely loved receiving their initial necklaces. I especially love that they are on a little pendant and that the initial is stamped into the metal. I think it creates the cutest, every day piece to add to their jewelry collection! I went with gold, but they offer silver too. 

I also added an Essie nail polish to their box. I picked these up at Ulta and chose 4 different color options! All the colors ran in the light pink / nude color scheme and I think they would be so cute for the girls to wear on their nails and toes the day of! 

The next thing I added was a piece of pink rock candy! This was more of a filler and added a fun little treat for them. I also included Champagne Jelly Beans that were packaged in a little plastic Champagne bottle! Since I was mailing these gifts, I wasn't able to mail real Champagne (you can't mail alcohol), so I thought this was a super cute alternative! 

I absolutely loved how these turned out! It was so fun seeing all my bridesmaids share their boxes on InstaStories and call me with pure joy, saying "Yes! Of Course!" when they received them. 

If any of you gals are trying to decide on how to ask your bridesmaids to be in your wedding, I highly recommend visiting PS46 on Etsy and checking out the shop! There are so many cute jewelry pieces that are perfect for including in your bridesmaid proposal! My tip for asking your gals is to include a few smaller items in the proposal and then gifting them any larger, more splurge items on the day of the wedding! If you're like me and have to mail your gifts, pay attention to the over all weight and try to keep your box or gift light, or else shipping will cost a ton! I have 8 bridesmaids, so I definitely kept in mind the weight when making the proposal boxes. 

I also included a special note to each one of them. Then, once the boxes were all closed up, I wrapped them with brown wrapping paper, stuck a shipping label on the packages, and shipped them out! I hope y'all loved this Wedding Wednesday post! Next week I will be sharing my Save The Dates so stay tuned! XO Heather 

photos x Sara Miller (she's a rockstar - and travels, so if you need a photographer, she's your gal)


Our Save The Dates!


Wedding Wednesday: How To Budget For A Wedding