How I'm Getting In Shape For My Wedding

Today is extra special because not only is it Wedding Wednesday, but we are exactly one month out from my wedding!! It is absolutely insane how fast time has flown. I feel like I just got engaged!! When people tell you to enjoy the season and that it goes by fast, they are 100% right. For all you engaged ladies out there, really enjoy every minute of it!! You only get to be a "fiancé" for a short bit, so soak it up! (: 

A big question I get asked all the time is how has my fitness routine changed leading up to my wedding! For starters, I'm not a big fan of intentionally getting in shape solely because of an upcoming event. Of course I would love to look great during one of the biggest days of my life and on my honeymoon, and it's a huge motivator! But, I always think that getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle long term should be the goal! So! Yes, my wedding has definitely been a big motivation to get healthier and fitter, but I am going to continue my new healthier lifestyle long past just my wedding day! (: 

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I have fallen in love with spin classes. I joined my local CycleBar and absolutely LOVE it!! The classes are hard but also extremely fun, so I  always look forward to going to them. The coaches are also great at my location and so motivating. This has becoming my main form of working out and it's easy to say I'm hooked! 

If you don't have a Cycling studio near you and would rather stay at home to workout, I also really love doing the BBG workouts by Kayla Itsines! They are soooo incredibly hard but whip your booty in shape so fast! If you are looking for other at home workouts, WeddingWire has some really great ones! This HIIT Workout is a really fun one! If you wanna target your booty, this is a really good one too! WeddingWire has a Health and Beauty section on their site that has so many great posts all about getting wedding ready! 

Another big part of getting healthier and in shape involves my eating habits! Personally, this contributes to getting in shape the most for me! As many of you already know, I do not eat dairy because I am lactose intolerant. I cut out dairy about 4 years ago and can not even explain to you guys how much it has transformed my body! I used to be bloated all the time, tired, and constantly have a breakout on my face. After eliminating diary from my diet, it has made the biggest difference and improvement for me. Eating healthy and nutritiously does wonders for your body and has helped me keep my smaller figure over the years. I also am not a big snacker! I pretty much only eat three meals a day and most of them are home cooked! Chris and I hardly ever eat out! 

The last thing that I wanted to mention is my drinking habits! I don't really like soda, so I hardly ever drink that. I drink a ton of water every day and have been really intentional about staying extra hydrated leading up to my wedding to ensure that my skin is looking it's best! As far as alcohol, I love wine and could never give that up hahaha, so I will either have a glass of wine or if I am out, I will have a vodka soda with lime and a splash of cranberry juice! I have stopped drinking beer because it always leaves me bloated! 

So that's it for what I have been doing to prep for my wedding in terms of health and fitness!! The biggest takeaway is just to make sure you are eating healthy! It will not only help the look of your body, but your skin will thank you! And you will just feel better in general (: If any of you have any more specific questions, definitely message me and I would love to answer them! XO Heather 

Thank you WeddingWire for sponsoring this post! All opinions are my own (: 


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